miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Stephanie Buer

Stephanie Buer

 New modern painter similar to David Hockney. 


Timothy Goodman & Jessica Walsh

Timothy Goodman & Jessica Walsh

Two separate artist join to analyse one of the main personal issues....dating? They describe it as an art piece as well as experimenting about relationships.

Things that I liked while reading about their project:
''I’ve tried to encourage her to have some fun, date around, and let go of the expectations.''
''Why can’t you commit?I’m a big fan of Winnie-the-Pooh. There’s a quote where Owl says, “A girl sees what she likes, a boy likes what he sees.”Why can’t you commit?I’m a big fan of Winnie-the-Pooh. There’s a quote where Owl says, “A girl sees what she likes, a boy likes what he sees.” ''

You may see more about this project at:  http://fortydaysofdating.com/

At the same time they are both two very successful artist which have their place at the art world in NY. They both work in the graphic design section, (Jessica Walsh) sagmeisterwalsh.com and (Timothy Goodman) tgoodman.com, which a specially liked.
Timothy Goodman did his own project before about the reaction through tweeter with the other people on the day of San Valentines. He dedicated cards to the sigle people that followed him on tweeter. Brilliant! You may see his project at: http://valentinetweetmarathon.com/

Hope you enjoyed! Cause I did!

Simone Rovellini

Simone Rovellini

Loved the view from this artist which changes the perspective of all these mythical stories. It is the new point of view which makes it so special.

More of his works at, where their is a great video called 'c´est la vie:http://www.simonerovellini.com/

To see more chopped heads, there are more brilliant ones at:http://explodingactresses.tumblr.com/

martes, 30 de julio de 2013